Three (3) calls for Friday
By Deputy Chief Chuck Fields
May 10, 2024

Friday May 10, 2024. Today brought three (3) calls for firefighters. The first call was around noon for an accident on Rapps Dam Rd at the covered bridge. There were no injuries upon arrival, but firefighters assisted with traffic control until the cars could be removed.

The 2nd call was at 7:30 PM on Pughtown Rd at French Creek Road in West Vincent. Units were on the scene in minutes and found a 2-vehicle accident with three (3) complaining of injuries. A 2nd ambulance was requested and EMT's checked on the injured while others checked the vehicles. Crews closed Pughtown Rd during the incident.

The 3rd call came in just as firefighters were finishing washing and drying the units after the auto accident. It was for a fire alarm at the Kimber Hall apartments at 1300 Hares Hill Rd. Crews were quickly on the scene and found a cooking mishap which caused some smoke on the 3rd floor. The alarm was reset by the FD and the units picked up and returned to service.

Units: Rescue 61, Tower 61, Deputy 61
Mutual Aid: MICU 671-1 and MICU 65-1